1934Year Lr on city planning CHARTER SUGGESTION.
Provision for City Planning Agency Held to Be Necessary.
1951Year TEHERAN, Iran, May 30 (AP)-- The text of a memorandum to the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company by Finance Minister Mohammed Ali Varasteh today: Iran's Statement to British Oil Company
Provision for Compensation
1966Year A surprisingly large amount of new construction in the city is rising not from the ground but from the roofs of other buildings. Rooms at the Top Added to Many Buildings Here
Provision for Construction of New Floors Is Made in Framing of Structures MANY STRUCTURES ADD ROOMS AT TOP
1945Year SAN FRANCISCO, June 8--Following is the statement of the Big Five interpreting the Yalta voting formula and its veto provisions, as drawn up in reply to twenty-two questions submitted by smaller naions (France joined with the four sponsors of the conference): Statement by Big 5 on Yalta Voting Plan
Provision for Discussion
1975Year Massachusetts Sen initially approves Sept 22 modified no-fault divorce bill providing for divorce within 16 mos after a couple approves dissolution
provision for divorce on grounds of 'irretrievable breakdown' when only one party agrees to procedure stricken from House-passed version (S) No‐Fault Divorce Backed By Massachusetts Senate
1942Year lr scoring provisions for N Y C and State civil service eligibles called into service Civil Service Anomaly Seen
Provision for Eligibles in the Armed Forces Held Inadequate