1965Year Chou En-lai confs with N Vietnam econ delegation headed by Deputy Premier Le Thanh Nghi, reptdly on more aid for Hanoi
Jenmin Jih Pao and Ta Kung Pao see US escalating war CHOU HOLDS TALKS WITH HANOI GROUP
1966Year China begins to strike back at USSR implied and overt suggestions that China, despite its angry declarations, really seeks to find an accommodation with US
Jenmin Jih Pao attack on Tass statements about China cited; foreign diplomats in Peking see no signs of war fever PEKING DENIES AIM IS DEAL WITH U.S.; Rejects Soviet Suggestions It Seeks Accommodation
1974Year relaxed atmosphere introduced in ‘73 in cultural fields is giving way to demands for censorship and more intensive propaganda
Jenmin Jih Pao attacks Western classical music, traditional Chinese music and other old Chinese art forms as having nothing in common with socialist system under proletarian dictatorship; says Beethoven and Schubert have bourgeois and capitalist mentality; scores permissiveness in plays, song, pornographic books, jazz and rock music (M) CHINA TIGHTENS CURBS ON CULTURE
1966Year Liu Shao-chi replies to Ho Chi Minh, pledges support
Jenmin Jih Pao backs Hanoi settlement terms and demand that US recognize Natl Liberation Front; Vietcong repeats US must withdraw troops, recognize front; GB studies Ho Chi Minh message apparently restating terms PEKING REAFFIRMS SUPPORT OF HANOI; Liu Scores U.S. in Reply to Ho Chi Minh's Letter
1965Year Pro-USSR faction revealed in China
Jenmin Jih Pao denounces some teachers and other functionaries for 'revisionism'; Premier Chou En-lai and Central Com member Liu Ning-yi denounce 'class enemies' and 'revisionists,' ss, Natl Peoples Cong PEKING IS FIGHTING PRO-SOVIET CLIQUE; It Denounces 'Revisionism' in Key Party Schools
1960Year Moscow conferees prepare communique though no basic accord is indicated
Jenmin Jih Pao ed defies Khrushchev on revising tenets to meet current conditions RED SUMMIT AIMS AT SHOWING UNITY; Drafts Report to indicate Harmony, but Ideological Rift Is Still Apparent