1973Year Ed maintains Nixon Adm decision to trim funding for drug treatment programs and increase funding for drug law enforcement 'represents a return to the backward thinking that for too long stressed drug addiction as a crime and not a disease'
says such 'distortion of priorities' comes at time when 'there is a painfully clear need' to expand treatment and prevention programs not only in area of heroin and hard drugs but also for abuse of soft drugs Bureaucratic Bad Trip
1972Year Article on electronic silicon storage tube, Lithocon, heralds ability of device invented by Dr Hofstein to store single TV frame for continuous playback
says such 'frame‐snatching' portends eventual possibility of sending still pictures or printed data to businesses over radio waves, telephone circuits or electric utility lines that are already in use; Lithocon systems are facilitating storage and display of pictures of Mars from Mariner IX at Jet Propulsion Laboratory; pharmaceutical cos employ system in detection of foreign particles in drugs, and hospitals contend that tube's heightened clarity in image‐reproduction will reduce X‐Ray exposure time for patients; educ insts now using microforms in information retrieval may be able to alleviate problem of time‐sharing by having an attached Lithocon tube store the microfilm‐derived TV frame for study for half‐hr periods Television ‘Frame‐Snatching’
2004Year Editorial says Virginia's law against carrying loaded firearms in public defines 'firearm' as 20-round-plus assault rifle, allowing owners of smaller weapons, like 22-caliber and 9-millimeter pistols, to flaunt law
says such 'open carry' gun laws are on books in score of states; says when city of Alexandria, Va, sought to bar open carrying, state lawmakers enacted law barring any locality from enacting gun regulations The Right to Bare Arms
1975Year Dr Charles A Alford Jr says subtle infections of newborn babies, producing no overt symptoms but persisting for mos or yrs, are emerging as important public health problem, rept to conf on birth defects sponsored by Natl Foundation-March of Dimes
says such 'silent' chronic infections are most common among babies whose mothers are both young and poor; infections may produce defects of sight and hearing and impairment of intelligence; among most common causes are virus called cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella and herpes simplex viruses and germ that causes syphilis (M) ‘SILENT’ ILLNESSES FOUND IN BABIES
1972Year D E Teodoru lr says draft truce accord proposes total US withdrawal while Hanoi's invading force becomes established as a legal resident of S Vietnam
says such a 'peace' could have been negotiated 8 yrs ago, not 4 yrs ago, as Sen McGovern claimed; lr endorsed by 7 area officers of Natl Student Coordinating Com for Freedom in Vietnam and Southeast Asia Letters to the Editor
1998Year Sears PLC, owner of a number of British retail chains, expects takeover offer by Philip Green of $774 million (US)
says such a bid will undervalue company; graph (S) Sears of Britain Expects Takeover Bid