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1933Year Death RICHARD F. RUMPFF.

Retired Master Sergeant Served in Spanish War.

1936Year Death DR. HENRY. TABER.

Retired Mathemati6s Professor at Clark Un iverstN.

1937Year David F. Guiney, retired mathematics instructor at George Washington High School, died of a cerebral hemorrhage yesterday at his home, 145 Seaman Avenue. He was 55 years old. D.F. GUINEY, TEACHER IN HIGH SCHOOL HERE

Retired Mathematics Instructor at George Washington--Dies at 55 After Long Illness


Retired Mathematics Teacher at Tuskegee Institute Dies

1939Year Brecht, Saml K DR. SAMUEL K. BRECHT

Retired Mathematics Teacher Dies in Philadelphia at 69

1928Year States threaten to withhold payments to Lufthansa AGED GERMAN KNOWS 200 TONGUES WELL

Retired Mathematics Teacher in Frankfort Also Is Poet and Art Critic. LUFTHANSA IN HOT WATER Saxony Opens Financial War on Air Company, and Bavaria Grumbles at Monopoly.

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