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1974Year article on S Vietnamese montagnard tribesman Yur Ksar in Plei Kep, who was trained by Green Berets to fight the Vietcong

illus (M) Vietnamese, 24, Longs for Battle

1975Year Employes of several Long Island restaurants and bars, working on New Year's Eve, comment on business

illus (M) View Fromthe Kitchen: 1975 Started Off Well

1976Year data transmitted by Viking 2 indicates northern polar cap of planet is composed entirely of frozen water

illus (M) Viking 2 Finds Martian Polar Cap Is Frozen Water

1977Year 7,000 persons demonstrate, Montalto di Castro, Italy, against Govt plans to build 2 nuclear power reactors there

illus (M) Village Brings Italy Into Fight Over Reactors

1978Year Relays results noted

illus (M) VillanovaExtends Penn Relay String

1976Year Int with Vincent H Lombardi, adm asst to gen mgr who is son of late coach Vince Lombardi

illus (M) Vince Lombardi's Son

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