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2001Year Review of Pres George W Bush's early foreign policy initiatives, and suggestions they offer about Bush's view of America's role in world affairs

photo (M) The World: Entanglements; A New View of Where America Fits in the World

2001Year Growing reluctance of countries to accept people seeking refuge from brutal regimes and natural disasters is highlighted by wandering in Pacific of ship filled with Afghans fleeing Taliban and by dispute between England and France over how to deal with growing number of asylum-seekers who have massed at Red Cross camp in Sangatte, France

photo (M) The World: Europe and Refugees; Someone Has to Help. But Not Me.

1998Year NATO's decision to threaten to bomb Serbia over human-rights abuses in Kosovo discussed as watershed for organization in post-cold war era

photo (M) The World: Europe's New Policeman; NATO Shatters Old Limits in the Name of Preventing Evil

1998Year Israel, which was struck by 39 Iraqi Scud missiles during 1991 Persian Gulf war, is engaged in frenzy of speculation about chances of being attacked again if US launches military strikes against Iraq to force compliance with Security Council resolution requiring access by UN weapons inspectors to all suspected weapons sites

photo (M) The World: Fear Itself; Again, Israel Worries About Iraq

2002Year Complexity and confusion surrounding US policy on 'regime change' in Iraq discussed

photo (M) The World: Foot Soldiers; What Does 'Regime Change' Mean Anyway?

2001Year Excerpts from Chinese students' reactions to collision between US spy plane and Chinese fighter jet

photo (M) The World: Foreign Correspondence; Chinese Students Look at America

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