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2006Year Benjamin Kunkel essay on memoirs

says that memoirs today focus on pain and suffering rather than achievement and happiness; notes Romantic memoirs, such as Thoreau's Walden, that focused on struggle toward wisdom; asserts that modern memoirists spend too much time sighing over past woes and not enough time looking toward future; drawing (M) Misery Loves a Memoir

1971Year B Kovach on protests at Walpole, Norwich and Concord prisons. Mass, says that both inmates and officials were attuned to recent tragedy at Attica prison

says that memory of Attica served to keep demonstrations peaceful and handling of situation by officials out in open; details; illus Protesting Prisoners in Massachusetts Were Attuned to Attica

2006Year Dr H Ballentine Carter of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine leads study that suggests rate of increased PSA levels in tests should be used to gauge severity of prostate abnormalities that could lead to cancer

says that men are currently overtested for PSA levels and often treated without there being real threat of cancer; drawing (M) Screening: Findings Suggest Need to Rethink Prostate Tests

1971Year L Fellows on faltering discipline and lack of morale among US 7th Army in West Ger says that 1 main reason is drug addiction

says that men on hard drugs want no other company or no company at all, and rest of men want nothing to do with those on drugs, who would not be trusted in combat and who offer no companionship; estimates that 10% to 15% of men in co are taking drugs U.S. Army in Germany Acts to Lift Sagging Morale

1973Year Former woman pro golfer M Smith, recently hired by ABC as broadcaster for US Open golf tourn, says on June 15 that contention that women golfers are better or equal to men golfers is false

says that men play more aggressive style People in Sports: Shue to 76ers

1972Year Smith, Kline & French holds rept is based on data compiled in early '60s, which demonstrated safety and efficacy of Contac as measured by scientific standards of that time

says that Menley and James, subsidiary that makes Contac, has since submitted to FDA additional data supporting safety and efficacy of Contac Contac Defended

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