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1972Year Group of about 30 potash miners in town of Pulversheim, France, complains to Premier Messmer, on pre‐electoral tour of Alsace prov, that Govt has not kept prices down

mine cos are seen doing well but miners say mechanization is causing them to be laid off; miners deride Messmer when he claims credit for improved mine conditions HIGH LIVING COST VEXES ALSATIANS

1953Year Pittsburgh Consol Coal buys Natl Steel Weirton mine, Morgantown, W Va, for $1.5 million

mine cost $8-10 million, '49 Pittsburgh Coal Acquires $8,000,000 Mine For $1,500,000 From National Steel Corp.

1943Year Reptd sunk by floating mine off Marseille RED CROSS SHIP SUNK

Mine Destroys Portuguese Craft Off Shore of Marseille

1947Year Experts conf on supplies and methods of relieving coming shortage in Nationalist areas

mine destruction in Civil War areas discussed CHIANG'S EXPERTS COMBAT COAL LACK; Chinese Winter Shortage Put at 6,000,000 Tons -- Sabotage by Reds Is Held Main Cause

1945Year army mine detector fails to find bullets at murder scene ARMY AIDS BULLET HUNT

Mine Detector Fails to Locate Slugs That Killed Policeman

1931Year 2 hurt in blast of condemned mine detonator at naval research laboratory NAVAL BLAST INJURES TWO.

Mine Detonator Explodes in Re-, search Laboratory at Caiptal.

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