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1928Year S before Phila Assn of Credit Men on instalment sales CAUTIONS ON CREDIT SALES.

Prof. Plummer Urges Sounder Basis for Instalment Business.

1923Year lr to London Times, supporting his appeal, from A F Pollard ANOTHER BRITON URGES CURB ON RUM-RUNNING

Prof. Pollard Says That It May Cost England More Than Alabama Claims.

1937Year S on democracy, Gunnery School commencement SCHOOL FREEDOM IN AMERICA HAILED

Prof. Poole in Gunnery Speech, Contrasts It With Conditions in Germany

1936Year Plans for luncheon conf CONFERENCE TO DEAL WITH TRADE PROBLEM

Prof. Poole of Princeton Will Address New Jersey League of Voters Wednesday.

1936Year Apptd ed of Princeton Univ Pub Opinion Quarterly PRINCETON EDITORS NAMED

Prof. Poole to Head New Journal of School of Public Affairs.

1930Year C Fisher and C P Lane say calculations leading to discovery of new planet show triumph of Newton's law of gravitation over this theory TRIUMPH OF NEWTON SEEN IN DISCOVERY

Prof. Poor Says Calculations by Which the Planet Was Found Predated Einstein. DR. FISHER SHARES VIEW Astronomers to Name New Body-- Atlas, Prometheus and Tempus Among Early Suggestions.

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