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1927Year Urges Dems to back Gov Smith for Pres and tax cut DRIVE BEHIND SMITH URGED BY EDWARDS

Senator Says Party Opponents Should Discard Ill-Will and Support Candidate Who Can Win.

1944Year predicts high tax program proposal at Repub natl conv HIGH TAX PROGRAM IS URGED BY TAFT

Senator Says Party's Financial Advisers Will Ask Balanced Budget

1956Year WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 (AP) --Senator William Langer, who often has been at odds with the Eisenhower Administration, said today he would support the Republican ticket in the November election. LANGER TO BACK G.O.P.

Senator Says Peace Will Best Be Served by Party Victory

2002Year New Jersey Senate candidate Douglas Forrester charges Democratic incumbent Robert Torricelli with taking more than $10,000 from supporters of listed Iranian terrorist group and lobbying to have it removed from government watch list

senator says People's Mujahedeen of Iran, which is allied with Saddam Hussein, is legitimate opposition group but that he has not taken money from group member (M) Challenger Says Senator Took Donations From Supporters of a Terrorist Group

1946Year Comment on Argentina membership in UNO GUFFEY URGES END OF ARGENTINE TIES

Senator Says Peron Will Win 'Fair or Foul'--Russian Asks if We Had Data Earlier

1949Year Sen Martin says customs officials will allow dolls to be shipped duty free DOLLS TO GO TO EUROPE

Senator Says Pittsburgh Customs Will Yield Canadians' 200

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