1969Year Mrs Nixon and Julie fly to NYC for shopping
Mrs Nixon picks clothes for fall and for forthcoming trip to Asia and Rumania with husband; selections described; houses from which she got them noted Mrs. Nixon Here to Select a Travel Wardrobe
1971Year redecorated White House Red Room described
Mrs Nixon shows it; illus, White House curator Conger puts cost of redecorating Red Room, with Green and Blue Rooms to follow, at more than $100,000 Redecorated Red Room Has Colorful Debut at White House
1957Year Santa Paula launching set
Mrs Nixon to be sponsor Transport News and Notes; Santa Paula to Go Down Ways on Jan. 9 --New Towboat Enters Service Here
1972Year Mrs Nixon, L Hampton and Sec Romney will be among group of 50 Pres 'surrogates' who will spend Sept 16 canvassing in major cities across US
Mrs Nixon will work in Queens, Sec Romney in Los Angeles; F Malek, deputy dir of Com for Re‐Election of Pres, says it plans to register all voters favorable to Pres Nixon in next two months MRS. NIXON TO AID CANVASS IN QUEENS
1972Year Mint introduces medal portraying White House on Apr 27 at Cong Club's annual breakfast honoring First Lady
Mrs Nixon, celebrating her silver anniversary as a pol wife, receives larger proof specimen containing 40% silver; medal illus Coins
1958Year Sen Ladies chap annual luncheon hon Mrs Eisenhower
Mrs Nixon, Cooper, other Sen wives attend FIRST LADY IS GUEST; Senate Ladies Red Cross Unit Gives Luncheon