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1948Year Sec Gen Lie thanks Carnegie Endowment for gift of books U.N. THANKS BOOK DONOR

Lie Receives 2,000 Volumes From Carnegie Endowment

1952Year NYC Fed grand jury invites Lie to explain his statement on Feller suicide

Lie refusal seen LIE'S VIEWS SOUGHT BY U. S. GRAND JURY; But U. N. Chief Is Expected to Decline Bid to Testify on His 'Smear' Charge


Lie Regrets Quitting of Chief of Economic Unit, Target of Congress Hearings Weintraub Quits U.N. Under Fire; Lie Voices Praise and Regrets

1949Year LAKE SUCCESS, June 29 -- Secretary General Trygve Lie is asking United Nations members to make immediate provisions for the care of 2,000,000 refugees who are continuing to "lead a difficult or even wretched existence." U. N. NATIONS ASKED TO CARE FOR DP'S

Lie Reminds Members of Needs of 2,000,000 Refugees Upon the Dissolution of IRO

1946Year Urges Albanian membership in UN, lr to Sec Gen Lie ALBANIA LOSES OUT ON NEW PLEA TO U.N.

Lie Reminds Premier That the Assembly Acts on Members Only on Word of Council

1947Year Sec Gen Lie apptmt of new UN Press Bur chief protested by staff members as against advancement rule

Lie replies dir apptmts are not competitive U.N. Appoints Foote to Be Chief Of New Combined Press Bureau; U.S. Delegation's Information Head Named by Lie -- Some Staff Men Complain That Selection Flouts Advancement Rule

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