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1970Year NCAA champs

NYU wins; B Soriano wins saber, J Nadas, epee, W Krause, foil COLUMBIA SECOND FOR TEAM CROWN

1968Year Rio Exch (Bolsa) drive to popularize investment noted

NYU-Alliance for Progress program for training exch personnel described; Exch illus N.Y.U. Gives Rio's Bolsa Stock Tips

1950Year Comment on Dr S V Haas dietary cure based on feeding of proper carbohydrates and fats

NYU-Bellevue Med Center studies show diet 90% effective 'Celiac Disease'; Most Children Are Now Cured But Cause Is Still Unknown Role of Carbohydrates Experiments With Fats

1957Year Mid-Atlantic conf set

NYU, Middle States Colls and Secondary Schools Assn sponsors; Dr Newsom is steering com chmn, D M Clay conf dir; agenda noted PARLEY TO STUDY POST-HIGH SCHOOL; 300 Educators and Laymen Here to Help Set National Policy on Education Six Areas Affected Diversity of Views

1953Year Planning Comm continues pub hearing after opposing groups ask more time for study

NYU, other groups back project HOUSING HITS SNAG AT WASHINGTON SQ.; City Grants Spokesmen More Time to Study Plans for Redevelopment in Area

1977Year 30 businesses on block of loft bldgs owned by NYU have formed com to fight school's effort to oust them

NYU, which says it is losing money on bldgs, plans to convert them to apts, thus taking advantage of NYC program known as J-51 that grants tax abatements to owners who rehabilitate bldgs for residential use (M) 30 COMPANIES FIGHT MOVE TO OUST THEM

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