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1926Year Sen Williams's report on campaign expenses Spends $6.75 to Win Senate Seat, but Loses

North Dakotan Would Take Another Office

1930Year Loran, E, hangs self in joke HANGS HIMSELF IN JOKE.

North Dakotan, Trying to Fool Wife, Uses Too Short a Rope.

1929Year N D asks Hoover for bombing planes for gorge below Bismarck, on the Mo River ASK HOOVER FOR BOMBERS.

North Dakotans Appeal for Smashing of Ice Gorge.


North Dakotans Crowd City From All Over State to Honor Flier.

1944Year celebrates 52d birthday on train to Minneapolis WILLKIE OBSERVES BIRTHDAY ON TRAIN

North Dakotans Help Candidate, Now 52, Celebrate With Cake and Small Gifts

1926Year Sen McMaster and Pres Lusk of N D Chamber of Commerce offer him lodge in Custer Park for Summer White House INVITE COOLIDGE AGAIN.

North Dakotans Offe Park Lodge for Summer White House.

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