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Production Increases 5.8% Above the First Eight Months in 1927.

1933Year Rept on pig-iron production for Apr APRIL IRON OUTPUT RISES.

Production Increases 81,607 Tons Over March -- Is Below 1932.

1934Year 1,000 employes walk out at A F L call PASS WEEK OF UNREST

Production Increases As Disagreement Grows -- Other News

1928Year Output gains by Ruhr policy GERMAN COAL OUTPUT GAINS BY RUHR POLICY

Production Increases as Syndicate Renews Efforts in Competitive Districts.

1926Year Crude oil production in the United States in the week ended Nov. 6 averaged 2,357,050 barels a day as comaged 2,357.050 barrels a day, as comvious week, showing an increase of 25.800 barrels a day. Most of the increase was accounted for by production in the territory east of California The daily average output east of that State was 1,722,850 barrels, compared with 1,702,950 barrels in the week before, representing an increase of 19,900 barrels. CRUDE OIL OUTPUT SHOWS DAILY RISE

Production Increases East of California to 19,900 Barrels a Day. TOTAL IS 25,800 BARRELS Daily Average of West Coast Oil at Eastern Ports for October Was 86,032 Barrels.

1963Year The nation's economy is now going through the boom that was not expected after a recovery from the 1962 recession that never happened. The experts on the economy ... U.S. Business Booming As First 1963 Half Ends

Production Increases Economy Shows Unexpected Strength as the First Half Closes OUTLOOK BRIGHT IN MOST SECTORS Gross National Product Is Making Gains, but Some Problems Remain Retail Sales High

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