1993Year Amid a jumble of furniture and canyons of boxes, Michael Hutton mapped out work spaces in the sparse new office of his boss, freshman Representative Robert Menendez of New Jersey. A record turnover of 110 members has spawned the biggest office shuffle in the history of the House of Representatives. Mr. Menendez held No. 84 in the freshman lottery -- the worst luck among the delegations from New Jersey, New York or Connecticut. Making a Home in the House Depends on Luck
New Members of Congress Select Offices from the Discards of Last Year's Election
1944Year H Brownell invites Repub members to dinner in hon of newly elected Repubs REPUBLICANS PLAN DINNER
New Members of Congress to Be Honored Next Thursday
1954Year 'school' to be held for new members of Gen Assembly SCHOOL FOR LEGISLATORS
New Members of Connecticut General Assembly Will Meet
1954Year 6 elected to corp M. !. T. ELECTS SIX
New Members of Corporation Are Chosen by Ballot
1937Year New members of the Dante Alighieri Society of New York, a chapter of the Societa Nazionale Dante Alighieri, will be introduced at a tea dance next Sunday at the Ambassador. The event is also being held to raise funds for the support of the free schools established throughout the city by the chapter. TEA DANCE PLANNED BY ITALIAN SOCIETY
New Members of Dante Alighieri Group to Be Introduced at Party Next Sunday
1941Year Faculty apptmts Six Are Appointed To Bennington Staff
New Members of Faculty Are For Coming Year