Lebanese Team and Italian Out of Sun Valley Races
1996Year A Palestinian will be extradited to Germany to stand trial in a 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing that killed two American servicemen, Lebanon said today. The Palestinian, Yasir Chreidi, 35, will be turned over to Germany next week, the prosecutor general's office said. Mr. Chreidi is a suspected member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, led by Abu Nidal. World News Briefs
Lebanese to Hand Over Suspect in Berlin Blast
1975Year BEIRUT, Lebanon, Sept. 10—
Lebanese troops have been ordered to take up positions between warring Christian and Moslem factions in the Tripoli area of northern Lebanon, Premier Rashid Karami announced tonight. Beirut Acts to Put Troops Between Battling Factions
1981Year Maj. Saad Haddad, speaking hours after three of his men were killed by a land mine, said today that he had called off a four-month-old cease-fire with Palestinian guerrillas. Around the World
Lebanese Truce Is Over, Militia Leader Says
2004Year Gunmen kill senior Iraqi Oil Ministry official in Baghdad on day punctuated by violence
Lebanese-American man is kidnapped from his home in Baghdad, and at Salman Pak, roadside bomb hits American military patrol, killingone soldier and wounding another; many Iraqis predict that with re-election of Pres Bush, Prime Min Ayad Allawi and American miiltary will soon order all-out assault on Falluja in effort to break back of insurgency; insurgents send video to Al Jazeera showing three Iraqi National Guardsmen being beheaded, and post another on Internet of decapitation of Iraqi Army officer; photos (M) Stubborn Violence Shadows Buildup to Falluja Invasion
1972Year Lebanon cancels army leaves on June 1 and alert is reptd from Sydon to Israeli border in preparation for possible Israeli retaliation for Lod (Lydda) Internatl Airport massacre
Lebanese‐based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed credit for massacre; women and children are reptdly evacuated from commando areas near border; tarpaulins are removed from several small AA guns at Beirut Internatl Airport; Min Hamad says Lebanon had nothing to do with massacre; Lebanese press praises airport operation; illus of Lebanese armored car near Beirut airport Military Alert in Lebanon