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1967Year says it will be 1st indus condominium in city

Met Lithographic Assn to be co-sponsor GRAPHIC ART CENTER TO BE CONDOMINIUM

1975Year Indonesian troops move to consolidate hold over Portuguese Timor after having seized control of capital Dili

met little resistance from leftist Revolutionary Front for Independence of E Timor, which had held capital for more than 3 mos; Indonesian Foreign Min Adam Malik says that intervention was in response to requests by Revolutionary Front's rivals Timorese Dem Union and Popular Dem Assn for Integration of Portuguese Timor into Indonesia; statement is seen as response to warnings of many US diplomats that overt Indonesian mil action, particularly with use of US material, could jeopardize proposal for $43-million in mil aid to Indonesia now pending before Cong; Dili's capture by Indonesia seems to mark at least beginning of process to integrate Timor Island into Indonesia; map (M) INDONESIANS HOLD PORTUGUESE TIMOR AFTER INCURSION

1962Year Feruccio Tagliavini gave a Carnegie Hall recital last night. TAGLIAVINI SINGS AT CARNEGIE HALL

Met Lyric Tenor Is Heard in Recital Program Here

1966Year Waterfront Comm probes charge that Dr J J Burrascano operated dockers med center, Manhattan, despite 6-mo suspension by NYC Health Dept in '62 and fine in '65 for unprofessional conduct

Met Marine Maintenance Contractors, mgt group, paid salary; ILA Local 1804 pres Bell defends Burrascano DOCTOR FOR I.L.A. SUSPENDED IN '62; Clinic Physician Testifies at Commission Hearing

1948Year agreement on price rise reached at dairymen's conf with Agr Sec, Washington

Met Marketing Adm repts price to rise 44c a cwt, Aug, and again, Oct MILK PRICE TO RISE TWICE THIS YEAR; Up One Cent on Aug. 1 and Oct. 1 in Washington Agreement Covering Rest of 1948

1965Year Leading cos throughout US perform Nutcracker The Ballet: Good Motives

Met May Expand Its Dance Activities -- 'Tis the Season for 'The Nutcracker'

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