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1944Year Wood, L N

Raymond L Ditmars Dr. Ditmars; RAYMOND L. DITMARS: His Exciting Career With Reptiles, Animals and Insects. By L.N. Wood. Illustrated with photographs. 272 pp. New York: Julian Messner. $2.50.

1928Year On Havana conf, at annual meeting of Foreign Policy Assn, N Y C TELLS OF HAVANA MEETING.

Raymond L. Bell Speaks to Foreign Policy Association.

1937Year R L Buell urges unity of world powers to prevent war UNITY OF POWERS URGED TO BAR WAR

Raymond L. Buell Calls on America to Stand Definitely for Cooperative Action

1925Year Incident described in sp art on number of deaths from snake bites in last 3 yrs 400 DEATHS FROM SNAKE BITE IN LAST THREE YEARS

Raymond L. Ditmars, Curator of Reptiles at Zoo, Makes This Estimate and Explains Serum Cure -- Nellie Condon, Latest Victim, Saved

1937Year Prank Hamilton Davis, eleven rooms comprising entire floor in 952 5th Ave

Raymond L. French, in 111 E 80th St; David W. Hulbord Jr., in 450 E 52 St; Douglas L. Elliman Co, Inc. brokers. Robert J. Earle, in 1,133 Park Ave th??ough Douglas L. Elliman Co. Inc; Arthur H. Van Brunt, in 31 E 79th St; Mrs. G. P. APARTMENTS LEASED

1970Year PROVIDENCE R. I., Aug. 31 (AP) &#8212

Raymond L. S. Patri arca was sentenced today to the maximum of 10 years in prison for conspiracy to mur der Rudolph Marfeo in a small grocery store here two years ago. Judge James C. Bulman of Superior Court said the sen‐ Ex‐Crime Leader Sentenced

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