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1949Year Tallant, R: Mr Preen's Salon A Novel of New Orleans

MR. PREEN'S SALON. by Robert Tallant. 271 pp. New York: Doubleday & Co. $3.

1946Year "SEE the ancient myst'tries of Chinatown... See the canyons of Wall Street...Visit the Bow'ry and see where Gershwin got his start."...On the four corners of Broadway and Forty-second Street the voices of the sightseeing guides ring out, hawking the city's wares to the passing tourists. New York Portrait

Mr. Preiss, dean of sightseeing guides, talks about the future of a big business.

1930Year Lr urging uniform laws UNIFORM PISTOL LAWS.

Mr. Prentiss's Experience Cited as Indication of Need.

1929Year NOT only has advertising lacked a history in its own right, but except for such passing notice as is given it by the Beards and Mark Sullivan, the general historian has failed to recognize its undoubted influence on human affairs. When Edmund Burke made his dramatic gesture toward the press gallery and enriched the English Language with a phrase, he put nawapapers, ... Along the Back Trail of Advertising's History

Mr. Presbrey's Book Provides an Admirable Account of the Development of the "Fifth Estate"

1970Year AYOUNG man of mili tary age, limping, and with bandages around his head, staggers down the outdoor steps of the New York Public Library at Fifth Avenue and 42d Street. He turns to another young man: &#8220

Mr. President, we're getting killed in Cambodia and you haven't even de clared war.” The “President” replies, “The reason you boys are dying in Southeast Asia is to save you boys from dy ing in Southeast Asia.” Time: Today Place: A Street

1992Year This summer, Americans thrilled to the performance of the Dream Team in Barcelona. But if Spain had our immigration policy, which prevents anyone infected with H.I.V. from entering the U.S., Magic Johnson would never have been allowed to play. Last month, Mr. Johnson quit the National Commission on AIDS. How can you justify this country's continued discrimination against the world's Magic Johnsons? And how do you explain that someone so clearly committed to fighting the epidemic would charge that your Administration has "utterly ignored" this crisis? * Since you took office, 483 banks have failed, depleting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to the point where it has a $5.5 billion deficit. Your Administration says that as many as 100 more are likely to go under after the election. One study estimates these failures will cost taxpayers $100 billion during the next decade -- on top of the billions we're already paying in the savings and loan bailout. Why haven't you alerted the public to this imminent disaster, and why didn't your Administration fight to increase the F.D.I.C. fund this spring? 23 Questions

Mr. President:

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