1959Year The complete outsider and the popular favorite won the respective divisions of the Man o' War Stakes at Aqueduct yesterday. Dotted Line of the King Ranch took the first half of the rich race at a mutuel return of $57.50 and Mrs. Herbert Herff's Tudor Era took the second half, at a pay-off of $6.40. DOTTED LINE, TUDOR ERA WIN
PAY-OFF IS $57.50
1961Year CORAL GABLES, Fla., Dec. 4 (AP) -- For the third time in six dates an Internal Revenue Service daily double was paid at Tropical Park -- today's paying $1,965.30 for a $3 ticket. Black Hal and High Order Form $1,965.30 Daily Double at Tropical Park
PAY-OFF IS MADE ON 18 $3 TICKETS One $10 Sale Also Recorded on Double -- Dea's First Pimlico Victor at $233
1948Year NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 22 (AP) -- Santa Claus arrived early for holders of tickets on today's daily daily double at the Fair Grounds, the combination paying $1,010. MARLED, DONNA L. FORM BIG DOUBLE
Pay-Off of $1,010 Goes to Six Persons at Fair Grounds -- Junior Wolf Scores
1954Year repayment of loans linked to NYC banks business loans drop TRADE LOANS OFF $123,000,000 HERE
Pay-Off of C.C.C. Certificates Accounts for $120,000,000 of Week's Drop at Banks TRADE LOANS OFF $123,000,000 HERE
1943Year Barry, J
Pay-Off THE PAY-OFF. By Joe Barry. 256 pp. New York: Mystery House. $2.
1957Year Granite Cutters business agent C Palmiotti found guilty of extortion from R S MacLean Inc
pay-off was filmed by FBI; conviction is 1st under Fed anti-racketeering statute F.B.I. Movie of $190 Pay-Off at Bridge Convicts Stone-Job Unionist of Extortion