1931Year Clips wing in race
lands safely FLIER CLIPS WING AT 215-MILE SPEED; Robert Hall Guides Crippled Plane Out of Fastest Cleveland Race of Day to Land Safely. LIVINGSTON WINS 3 EVENTS Illinoisan Takes a 50-Mile and Two 30-Mile Dashes--Stunt Fliers Again Thrill Crowd. Speed Fliers Start Abreast. Livingston Takes Three Races. Howard Gains on Leaders. Day Dedicated to Poland.
1935Year Mitlak (Mrs), S, unhurt in 3-story drop into snowdrift Woman Falls 3 Stories
Lands Safely in Drift
1949Year Navy Philippine Mars with 54 aboard loses engine over Pacific
lands safely in Honolulu after 3-hr, 440-mi flight with wing afire; convoyed by Pan Amer Stratocruiser and mil craft Engine Lost, Wing Afire Far at Sea, Navy Mars Makes It to Honolulu
1963Year Viscount loses door over N Sea
lands safely Irish Airliner Loses Door
1955Year craft nearing Idlewild hit by lightning
lands safely LIGHTNING HITS AIRLINER; Craft Lands at Idlewild With One Radio Antenna Broken
1970Year Air France: Boeing 747 with 174 passengers on Montreal‐Paris flight diverted to Kennedy Internatl Airport after engine catches fire