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1962Year Wagner names Di Carlo, Lynch, S M Lyman, F Torres, D Westerman, Mrs A T Withey as panel to direct drive against Buckley

includes reformers when they complained of being left out; R C Flynn to head orgn staff WAGNER NAMES 6 TO OUST BUCKLEY; Panel Is Expanded From 3 to Include Reform Group

1961Year Sen passes Pastore FCC bill

includes reforms sought by Kennedy but curbs Chmn power to delegate authority, Jl 28,10:1 REFORMS IN F.C.C. PASSED BY SENATE; Bill Permitting Delegation of Work Awaits House Vote

1967Year $15-million program to redesign subway system under way

includes refurbishing of 40 stations to make them more attractive and convenient, new maps, cars, other improvements; Arlington St station is 1st to be improved; illus Imported Ideas Improve Boston Subways; Indirect Lighting Braintree Extension IMPORTS IMPROVE BOSTON SUBWAYS U.S. Funds Obtained

1964Year ILA steps up drive against comm

includes regis closing in contract demands; may make abolition of comm pol issue in Nov elections Dock Union Steps Up Campaign To Remove Waterfront Agency

1966Year Extension Comm members Dirksen, McCormack, Stewart agree to proceed with West Front extension, renovation will be biggest in 100 yrs

includes replacing weakened underpinnings, enlarging inside area by 163,000 sq ft, including tourist facilities; cost put at $34-million; front to be moved forward 44 ft, 2 wings to advance 88 ft, connecting wings 66 ft $34-Million Extension Planned For West Front of the Capitol; Weak Underpinnings Will Be Replaced and 163,000 Square Feet Added to the Building--Tourist Facilities Included

1967Year Neb campaign com for Nixon announced

includes reprs of Sens Hruska and Curtis and Gov Tiemann; members include Lt Gov Everroad and ex-Gov Peterson; other members NEBRASKA GROUP FOR NIXON NAMED; 28-Member Committee Has Top Officials of G.O.P.

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