1920Year An army of baseball fans, numbering more than 50,000, according to an estimate of the police, who had to handle the congestion at the Eighth Avenue and Speedway entrances, stormed the Polo Grounds yesterday for the final battle of the big series between Yankees ... INDIANS WIN FINAL GAME FROM YANKS
New York'S Defense Wavers in Eleventh and Cleveland Gains Verdict, 4 to 2. 37,000 FANS SEE BATTLE Huge Crowd Storms the Polo Grounds and Thousands Are Turned Back at the Gates. HUGMEN IN SECOND PLACE Speaker's Tribe Resumes Lead by Its Victory--Homers by Ruth and Meusel Only Yankee Runs. Ruth Hits Flag Pole. Mogridge Relieves Quinn. Meusel Hits a Homer. An Inning of Thrills. Bodie Singles in Ninth.
1988Year LEAD: Civilized societies prize personal liberty in the home and in private association, fairness in the marketplace and, if those values clash, a reasonable accommodation. That's what New York and other cities have tried to do regarding discrimination against women and minorities in large clubs that insist they are ''private. When Private Clubs Aren't
New York's Definition Is Reasonable
1991Year COME January, the roll call at the New York City Council is likely to sound more than ever like one in a World War II movie. There will probably be a McCabe and a Robinson, a Weiss and a Sabini, a Linares and other newcomers representing the largest mix of races, creeds and stated sexual preferences ever to populate what was formerly an insular, overwhelmingly white, middle-class body. And for many, that's cause for cheer. Region
New York's Democratic Experiment
1987Year LEAD: Released from neutrality by Governor Cuomo last week, many Democratic public and party officials in New York are preparing to take sides in the Presidential contest, with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Gov. Michael S. Dukakis of Massachusetts and Senator Paul Simon of Illinois picking up most of the support. Politics
New York's Democrats Prepare to Choose Sides
1935Year As compared with other States, the methods of taxation heretofore employed by the State of New York have been generally regarded as most scientific. The net taxable income under the general income tax laws of this State has been, and still is, calculated upon a more rational basis than that under the income tax laws of the Federal Government. NEW BUSINESS TAX BY STATE DEPLORED
New York's Departure From Scientific Income Levies Held Unfortunate. QUESTIONABLE SCOPE SEEN Assessments for Emergencies Against 'Unincorporated' Business Began Jan. 1, 1935. NEW BUSINESS TAX BY STATE DEPLORED
1992Year To the Editor: "New York Holds Together" (editorial, May 6) puzzles over why New Yorkers escaped rioting Friday, May 1, and credits the leadership of Mayor David N. Dinkins. I have lived in both Los Angeles and New York, and I believe I have a sense of why the events of Los Angeles weren't duplicated here. Even as I heard rumors of two people killed in Manhattan and rioting in downtown Brooklyn, even as I traveled by subway Friday afternoon with my daughter to Pennsylvania Station on a long-term plan to get away for the weekend, I did not believe New Yorkers would riot. Despite our problems of crime, poverty, racism and other urban ills, New York is an interactive community. We ride the subways, we walk the avenues. Every day we are up against one another, face to face. I have spent a year driving the freeways of Los Angeles and know that it is a city shaped by alienation. Isolation is part of its geography. You can live in Santa Monica or Beverly Hills your whole life and never see a black person unless he or she works for you. While "planning, restraint and a little luck" helped last weekend, I think the main thing was that there is a sense of community here that we all need to see and acknowledge more. King Case Speaks of Our Grave Condition
New York's Difference