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1975Year HR Subcom on Crime gun control hearings continue, Washington, DC

Repr John Conyers Jr, subcom chmn, accuses Treas Dept's Alcohol Bur of failing to enforce gun control laws that Cong has already enacted; testimony of Asst Treas Sec David R McDonald and Bur Dir Rex D Davis noted (M) AGENCY HELD LAX ON GUN CONTROL

1977Year HR Govt Operations Com votes to strip US oil cos of right to purchase imported oil and give that authority to proposed energy dept

Repr John Conyers, sponsor of amendment to bill to create new agency, says move will lower cost of imported oil (S) House Panel Votes To Let the U.S. Buy All Its Imported Oil

1977Year GAO repts that SEC allows utilities to operate everything from pistachio nut farm to real estate operations

Repr John D Dingell is 'appalled' by SEC's failure to enforce Public Utility Holding Co Act, which is designed to keep utilities out of unrelated lines of business (S) S.E.C. Is Failing to Curb Utilities Under 1935 Law, G.A.O. Finds

1975Year Interior Dept drafts new regulations that will, if made final, prohibit joint bidding for offshore oil leases by 8 largest oil cos in order to give more medium‐size cos a chance to win offshore acreage and to increase competition for leases

Repr John D Dingell's House subcom urged such a ban; dept hopes to have regulations ready by May, not Jan as reptd by NY Times on Dec 31; 8 cos noted; regulations will also expand significantly public disclosure of drilling results on Fed offshore leases; disclosure would mean that all oil cos, not just one or more holding a particular lease, would have information that could give important clues to likelihood of finding oil on adjacent acreage; Under Sec John C Whitaker has already signed order requiring repts to dept of results of geophysical and geological exploration done under permits issued after Oct 31 '74; order will enable dept to make better calculation of minimum acceptable bids for future lease sales; dept official Darius W Gaskins and Asst Sec Royston C Hughes comment (M) U.S. Plans to Prohibit Joint Bidding for Offshore Oil Leases by 8 Big Companies

1978Year Carter Adm says it has no policy on LNG, subcom hearing

Repr John Dingell raises specter of tanker collision in major US harbor or offshore (S) Administration Says It Lacks A Liquefied Gas Import Policy

1975Year Fed energy officials pressure HR-Sen conf com to revise legis conferees approved Nov 6 that would force immediate reduction in price of crude oil produced in US

Repr John E Moss and other conf members say change is highly unlikely; Fed Energy Admr Frank Zarb says Pres Ford would veto bill if passed in present form (M) REVISING SOUGHT FOR ENERGY BILL

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