2001Year Conflict between television networks and local affiliates is intensified as result of regulatory changes, increased competition, technological advances and consolidation of power by networks and big station owners
power balance seems to be tilting toward networks, which are hoping Bush administration's deregulatory zeal will end federal rules that bar them from owning stations whose total audience exceeds 35 percent of nation's population; graph of networks' reach; photos (M) A Struggle For Control; Local TV Fears the Networks' Power
1961Year malapportionment favoring rural dists discussed as factor in current HR seizure of dominant legis role from Sen House Seizing a Dominant Role As Power Shifts From Senate
1971Year article on Mills and role as 'most powerful man in Cong and 2d most powerful man in Washington'
power base is his chmnship of Ways and Means Com; way in which he wields power and his com technique described; illus The Powerful Mills Tells Presidents ‘No’
1958Year RED SOX' 2 IN 9TH EDGE INDIANS, 4-3
Power Bats In All Losers' Runs but His Error Lets Deciding Tally Score
1943Year Dr K Kekcheiyev repts hastening adaptation to darkness Notes on Science
Power Behind Modern Army -- New Medicine Dropper
1957Year P M Kendall book Warwick the Kingmaker revd Books of The Times
Power Behind the Throne Assaying of Motivation