1970Year Educ Bd and local bds engage in dispute over $23‐million reduction of Fed funds alloted to bds, from $39.3‐million to $16.2‐million
situation in some dists described; chart of fund allocations to different dists; local bds charge central bd is trying to maintain control of budget despite decentralization; Educ Bd is expected to attempt to resolve dispute by supplementing allocations on assumption that additional Fed funds will be forthcoming Local School Boards and Central Administration Clash Over Funds
1972Year Article finds school budgets are still unsettled in many NJ school dists as fall approaches because of disputes in several towns over amounts of money needed and econ measures necessary to reduce deficits
situation in some dists discussed School Budgets Still Unsettled in Score of Districts
1967Year Comr Moerdler repts 1st comprehensive inspection of all 52 Manhattan hosps for repair and safety problems shows 994 violations with 462 in voluntary hosps, 506 in munis hosps, 26 in proprietory hosps
situation in some leading voluntary hosps detailed; United Hosp Fund exec Adams blames serious underfinancing 994 Violations Found by City in Survey of Manhattan's Hospitals
1972Year Article on US migrant labor maintains plight of migrant workers still persists despite farmers' contentions that conditions in labor camps have vastly improved
situation in some NJ migrant camps described; illus NEW JERSEY
1973Year W Eur is experiencing its fastest rate of econ expansion in 2 decades, but warnings of an abrupt slowdown, perhaps deteriorating into recession, are being heard with increasing frequency in business circles of Continent
situation in some specific countries discussed and some industrialists and bankers quoted; principle concerns are inflation and tight money; much of worry stems from fact that practically all major countries are expanding simultaneously, for if all major countries should slow down together, a process could set in that would feed on itself Boom Economy in Europe Feared Heading for Crash
1970Year Southern pss under orders to desegregate have had ins policy coverage reduced and policy rates increased, while some policies have been canceled because of expected racial conflicts
situation in some states described; some states have tried to solve problem by avoiding ins cos and forming state funds; funds are financed by contributions from schools and state depts and are guaranteed with rates 40% below commercial premiums Schools in South Find Desegregation Brings an Increase in Insurance Rates