1932Year Entertains visiting editors FILM COMPANY HOST TO VISITING EDITORS
Paramount Executive Tells of Efforts to Give Hollywood a Fresh Viewpoint.
1937Year La Follette Sen Civil Liberties Com may subpoena Paramount and Fisk films
Paramount explains shelving STEEL MEN TO LIVE IN PULLMAN CARS; Republic Meets Order to End Housing Workers in Chicago Plant by Getting 21 Sleepers
1927Year Estimate of statement for June quarter MOVIE CO. PROFITS UP 50%.
Paramount Famous Lasky Estimates Quarter's Net at $1,420,000.
1929Year Paramount-Famous-Lasky obtains control of 10 theatres in Ind and O $5,000,000 MOVIE MERGER.
Paramount Famous Lasky Gets Ten Theatres in Midwest.
1929Year To buy $3,000,000 of Art Cinema Corp bonds TO BUY ART CINEMA BONDS.
Paramount Famous Lasky Will Take $3,000,000 Debenture Issue.
1930Year Rept for 1929 CORPORATION REPORTS
Paramount Famous Lasky.