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1959Year Por Texts of Letters by Stanton and Sarnoff

Networks Split on TV Controls

1991Year Continuing their efforts to reverse the weak demand for commercial time and their declining viewership, two television networks are stepping up their advertising and promotional programs. Beginning today in New York City, ABC News is introducing a campaign aimed at the people who buy commercial time for ad agencies. A billboard on the West Side Highway, as well as posters on buses and bus shelters, will feature a photograph of seven ABC News broadcasters under the headline "Air Supremacy." The Media Business

Networks Step Up Promotion Drives


Networks Submit Proposals to New 12-Team League

1941Year Roosevelt s rebroadcast MESSAGE IS REBROADCAST

Networks Suspend Recording Rule to Carry President's Words

1936Year estimate of radio bill for election eve President to Have 'Last Word' on the Air

Networks Tied Up for Late Election Eve

1949Year All the major radio and television networks and most independent stations will air the proceedings connected with the signing of the North Atlantic Pact in Washington on Monday afternoon. Originating in the Interdepartmental Auditorium in the Labor Department Building, the ceremony represents a culmination of months of conferences and negotiations between the United States, Canada and ten Europe an countries. Radio and Television

Networks to Air Signing of North Atlantic Pact on Monday -- Truman to Speak

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