1968Year Gov Romney says that if he becomes Pres, he would seek neutralization of S Vietnam and her neighbors by pushing for settlement between S Vietnamese Govt and Natl Liberation Front (NLF), by neutrality agreement among great powers and by internatl supervision of area, s, NH
plan would include removal of all foreign troops and bases and other measures; says present US policy leans too much on mil solutions where there can be none; detects no true progress in efforts to pacify S Vietnamese countryside; says US appears to shift terms for talks and has missed opportunities to get negotiations started; scores Johnson Adm performance; his recent tour of S Vietnam noted Romney Offers Peace Plan For Neutralizing Vietnam; ROMNEY OFFERS A VIETNAM PLAN
1965Year Sec Connor urges Cong provide $90 million for 3-yr research program in improved ground transportation vehicles $90 MILLION ASKED TO STUDY TRANSIT
Plan Would Include Test of 150-m.p.h. East Coast Train
Plan Would Include This Class Only if President Cited Need to Keep Army Strength BUT NOT PRIOR TO OCT. 1 Absent Representative Radios Reversal of Proxy Vote Cast Against Proposed Program Terms of New Arrangement Maneuvering in Conference DRAFT CONFEREES NEAR COMPROMISE
1998Year Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew has tentatively agreed to give New York City Police Dept significant control over security at city's public schools, after long standoff between Board of Education and City Hall
plan would include turning over recruitment, screening and training of school security officers to Police Dept, but it would not involve assigning regular police officers to any more than the 130 schools they already help patrol at invitation of principals; plan all but abolishes Division of School Safety, which has patrolled schools since 1969; officials say some details must still be worked out, and final plan requires approval of Board of Education, but memorandum of understanding agreed to by Crew and Mayor Rudolph W Giuliani is closest two sides have come in pursuit of an accord (M) Schools in Deal To Let Police Run Security
1964Year NYSE studies proposed rise in brokerage fees on moderate and small investments, cut for large transactions
plan would increase avg comms by 3.5%; details; Merrill Lynch opposed; Funston repts govs in favor; other reactions EXCHANGE WEIGHS BROKERS' FEE RISE; 3.5% Increase Is Proposed on Commission Rates Charged to Investor
1975Year HR Banking Com chmn Henry Reuss and Repr Fernand St Germain propose plan to revive home mortgage indus
plan would increase tax credit for financial insts on mortgage payments extended in making loans to low- and moderate-income home buyers or renters (S) Sweeping Changes Planned