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1920Year The limit in capacity at Madison Square Garden was reached last night when the half-way point in the six-day bike grind was passed. A half hour before the night sprints got under way at 9:30 o'clock the doors of the arena were barred and padlocked. The interior of the Garden at that time presented a... CYCLISTS SET FAST CLIP IN 6-DAY RACE

Sensational Riding During Night Session Keeps Capacity Crowd in Uproar. BROCCO-COBURN HOLD LEAD Italian-American Team, One Lap Ahead, Piles Up Imposing Total of Points in Official Sprints.

1932Year Issues rise in N Y on news from Lausanne GERMAN BONDS SOAR ON EXCHANGE HERE

Sensational Rise Carries Most Other Foreign Loans. Upward Also. FEDERAL GROUP STRONGER Domestic Corporation Issues Hold Generally Steady, Some Gaining Moderately.

1927Year A violent rise in the Norwegian kroner to 26.18 cents, an overnight gain of one-quarter cent and highest since March, 1919, and a five-year top for Spanish pesetas at 17.24 cents absorbed the attention of bankers and dealers in the foreign exchange market yesterday to the exclusion of every other document. FOREIGN EXCHANGE.

Sensational Rise in Norwegian and Spanish -- Rates Highest in Years -- Sterling Firm.

1933Year CHICAGO, May 26. -- A sensational advance in the prices of grains may take place tomorrow, according to brokers on the Board of Trade here, unless a second reading of the plan for abolition of the gold clause in contracts shows it to be much less bullish than appeared at first glance. GRAINS PUSHED UP BY NEW GOLD PLAN

Sensational Rise Is Predicted for Today as a Result of Move in Congress. WHEAT GAINS 5/8 TO 1 1/8 C Indemnity Market Soars in Chicago -- Corn, Oats, Rye and Barley Also Higher at Finish.

1937Year Contracts signed DiMaggio's Unsigned Contract Lands Back in Yankee Office

Sensational Rookie of Last Year Reported Seeking $17,500, but Barrow Expects Early Agreement-Gehrig Demands $40,000-Luque and Sheehan in Line With Giants


Sensational Rounds of 68 and 65 Bring Triumph in the Metropolitan Open at Lido. KOZAK TWO STROKES BACK Victor's Final Effort Beats Par by Seven Strokes and Links Record by Two Shots. OLIN DUTRA'S 282 TAKES GOLF TITLE

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