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1964Year RALEIGH, N. C, Dec. 12&#8212

Miss Anne Grimes Williams and Dr. Edward Paul Stahel 2d plan to be married here on Jan. 16. Anne G. Williams And a Professor Will Be Married; ’58 Debutante Engaged to Dr. Edward Stahel 2d of North Carolina


Miss Anne H. Fuller, Anthropologist, Gets $1,500 to Study Peasants

1971Year LARCHMONT, N. Y., Jan. 21 &#8212

Miss Anne Haigney, daugh of John Eustace Haigney, president of the Rheingold Corporation, and Mrs. Haig ney, was married here this afternoon to Philip Lee Roome, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lee Roome of New York and Scottsdale, Ariz. The cere mony in St. Augustine's Ro man Catholic Church was performed by the Rev. Vin cent McShane. Anne Haigney Becomes Bride Of Philip Roome in Larchmont

1971Year BEDFORD, N. Y., July 10&#8212

Miss Anne Hampton de Pey ster Todd and Frederick Horny Osborn 3d, both de scended from Jacobus Van Cortlandt, grandfather of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States, were married here this after noon in the forest chapel of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church. Anne Todd, Artist, Is Wed in Bedford

1972Year LAKE GEORGE, N. Y., July 6&#8212

Miss Anne Homer Fryer, a granddaughter of the late Louise Homer, the con tralto, and her husband, the late Sidney Homer, the com poser, was married here this afternoon to Nigel Edward Athelstan Eddis, son of Mrs. Michel Upton Eddis of Lon don and Toronto, and the late Mr. Eddis. The Rev. Ernest Stires, an uncle of the bride by marriage, performed the Episcopal ceremony on the lawn of the home near Ticonderoga rented by Mrs. Dougas Fryer of New York, mother of the bride. Anne Homer Fryer, Violinist, Wed

1972Year WELLESLEY FARMS, Mass., March 18 &#8212

Miss Anne Hyde Meissner and Alexander Weld White plan to be married in June in West Falmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Johan N. Meissner of Wellesley Farms and West Falmouth have announced the engagement of their daughter to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. White Jr. of New Canaan,. Conn. and West Falmouth. Anne Meissner To Be Married To A. W. White

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