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1939Year anti-liquor stand upheld

LaGuardia urges 1940 conf in N Y C; action on Bishops' residence city; jurisdictional area rept made METHODISTS STICK TO LIQUOR STAND; Reject Optional Expulsion of Laymen Convicted of Liquor Traffic Connection LA GUARDIA AS SALESMAN Message Recites City's Advantages for First General Conference of United Church

1934Year Armistice Day observance 10,000 AT ETERNAL LIGHT.

LaGuardia Urges Aid for Roosevelt on a Wartime Basis.

1943Year war plant protection school session for indus mgt and maintenance engineers and indus plant officials

LaGuardia urges air-raid drills continuance Mayor Asks for No Let-Up in Raid Drills; Tells Plant managers to Continue Vigilance

1943Year State Sec T J Curran criticizes Haskell backing of Quill

LaGuardia urges better Council, ALP Bronx rally HASKELL CRITICIZED FOR ENDORSING QUILL; Curran Says This Illustrates Ignorance of City Affairs

1945Year US Mayors Conf endorses Mead bill

LaGuardia urges cities control of housing made available under bill; conf favors Admr Blandford plan for veterans priority in new homes; OPA rules revision to encourage occupants to share homes with veterans urged; Gen Bradley urges protection from high-pressure sales VETERAN PRIORITY ON HOUSING BACKED IN MAYORS' SESSION; First Choice for Service Men in Buying and Renting New and Emergency Units Urged MEAD BILL IS ENDORSED La Guardia Insists Cities, Not States, Control the Quarters Built With U.S. Funds

1938Year Lehman s on system and State control

LaGuardia urges complete control LEHMAN AND MAYOR GREET EDUCATORS; 15,000 GATHER HERE; Governor Stresses State Rule of Schools, La Guardia Asks Why It Is Incomplete SCORES OF MEETINGS HELD In All, 105 Groups Will Hear 700 Speakers Before the Convention Ends Thursday School Pageant Presented 15,000 EDUCATORS WELCOMED TO CITY Need for High-Grade Training La Guardia Speaks Invitation to World's Fair Address by Father Walsh EDUCATIONAL LEADERS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY AT CONVENTION HERE

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