1943Year L. ALTS(]HUL DIES
HOSPITAL HEAD, 7i; Retired 'Real Estate Operator of Bronx Devoted Years to Deeds of Charity
1966Year Brig. Gen. Ralph G. DeVoe, retired., who in World War II had been commanding officer of the Army's Halloran General Hospital at Willowbrook, S.I., died yesterday at Harkness Pavilion, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. He was 83 years old. GEN. DEVOE DIES
HOSPITAL HEAD, 83; Halloran's Chief Supervised Care of Wounded Troops
1928Year Dr S S Goldwater on maintenance of free bed service DEFEND 'FREE BED' SERVICE
Hospital Heads Deny Charge That Such Wards Are Disappearing.
1929Year Death accidental BOY'S DEATH ACCIDENTAL.
Hospital Heads Find No Trace of Violence on Solomon Swick.
Hospital Heads List Those That Are Not, as Aid to New Law
1992Year Four years ago, when the national shortage of nurses was nearly at its low point, the Presbyterian Medical Center of Philadelphia closed its School of Nursing. The school that had trained registered nurses for a century no longer attracted enough qualified applicants, in part because nursing students, mostly from middle-class families, did not want to study or work at an inner city hospital. Philadelphia Journal
Hospital Helps Itself by Helping Poor