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2003Year New Jersey will receive only $10.4 million in settlement of its $402 million lawsuit against Worldcom, owner of Adesta Communications, which originally operated state's E-ZPass system

McGreevey adminstration says Whitman administration is to blame for small size of settlement; Whitman administration official blames DiFrancesco administration (M) New Jersey Loses Millions In Settlement On E-ZPass

2001Year Three candidates for governor of New Jersey--Acting Gov Donald DiFrancesco, Mayor James McGreevey and Mayor Bret Schundler--speak to members of New Jersey Education Assn and give their views about education in attempt to court votes of teachers

McGreevey and DiFrancesco call for higher salaries and smaller classes, while Schundler touts vouchers (M) In Race for Governor, Charting the Course of Education

2004Year Friends of Dina Matos McGreevey, wife of New Jersey Governor James E McGreevey, say she will benefit from life out of public eye and ability to reclaim privacy when McGreevey steps down

McGreevey and wife will live apart but have not discussed divorce; photo (M) Friends Say Life Out of Public Eye Will Suit a Governor's Wife Who Values Privacy

2004Year Profile of Golan Cipel, acknowledged by aides to Gov James McGreevey as man with whom he had consensual sexual relationship

McGreevey appointed Cipel, Israeli citizen, as special assistant on homeland security in 2002, without background check; rumors about them have been swirling since then; Cipel listed Charles Kushner, McGreevey's largest contributor, as sponsor on his visa application; career highlights; photo (M) Details of a Past in Question Are Emerging One by One

2003Year News analysis of New Jersey Gov James McGreevey's strategy of rallying against suburban sprawl in his first State of the State address

McGreevey campaigned on promise to make New Jersey government more efficient and responsive, but budget crisis has limited options now at his disposal; hopes issue of sprawl has wide enough appeal to help him regain political momentum; risk in taking on issue is that he may be forced to show voters tangible signs of progress; Republicans say it is hypocritical for governor to blame building industry for state's problem because his campaign accepted large contributions from people in construction industry; municipal officials vow to fight any state move that would weaken their power to make decisions about development; photo (M) McGreevey Hopes Sprawl Is His Salvation Issue

1997Year Gov Christine Todd Whitman's campaign staff issues press release saying that in 1988, James E McGreevey, her Democratic opponent, gave impression that he was law enforcement official when he was pulled over by police in Highland Park

McGreevey contends it was 'unfortunate youthful accident' and scores Whitman for resorting to personal attacks (S) Whitman Raises Badge Incident of '88

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