1987Year LEAD: AN oatmeal war is brewing and it's going to get mighty mushy. Advertising
Oatmeal Battle Heats Up
1934Year CHICAGO, Nov. 18. -- No. 2 white corn in the sample market here at the close of last week was 97 cents a bushel, compared with 84 3/5 cents for December. No. 2 yellow was 88 1/4 cents. May corn finished at 84 3/4 cents and July 83 1/4 cents, net gains for the week being 3 1/4 cents on May, on July 1 3/4c and on December, 4 1/2 cents. RYE IN MORE DEMAND AS CORN PRICES RISE
Oatmeal Being Made of Canadian and Argentine Grain -Barley Futures Advance
1948Year The formula for the oatmeal cookies that are mixed up in one bowl in approximately two minutes evidently charmed cooks. Since it appeared in this column, with pictures, about six week ago, requests for additional recipes like it have come in. News of Food
Oatmeal Cookie Bulletin Offers More One-Bowl 'Quickie' Recipes
1997Year Experts in mergers and acquisitions say that Quaker Oats Company's $1.4 billion debacle with Snapple only proves that well-trod merger road has been paved with unrealized synergies and executive hubris
oatmeal king is in good company when it comes to hailing an acquisition as quick and brilliant way to increase earnings, only to see it collapse amid red ink and clashing corporate cultures; it has happened to corporate giants and high-technology start-ups alike, including IBM, Xerox, General Motors, Sony, General Electric and Novell (M) Snapple Is Just the Latest Case Of Mismatched Reach and Grasp
1987Year LEAD: This is a Christmas story. New Yorkers & Co.
Oatmeal Maker Hires Santa For a Battle With 2 Goliaths
1948Year Oatmeal, the cereal that's useful in so many ways, comes to the table in a new form -- a cake made with cinnamon and brown sugar that is quite as delectable as it sounds. Oatmeal is, of course, one of the richest sources of non-animal protein, which is a point to remember with meat so costly. News of Food
Oatmeal's Protein, Iron and Vitamin B-1 Make New Cake as Good as It Tastes