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1976Year Brown denies repts that his race for nomination is near end because of recent gains by Jimmy Carter

receives endorsement from La Gov Edwin W Edwards (S) Brown Still Running

2000Year Representative Rick A Lazio returns to New York from Republican National Convention, and, among other stops, appears on radio talk show of Bob Grant, who once drew criticism for derogatory remarks about blacks and Hispanics

receives endorsement of New York City correction officers union; photo (M) Lazio Appears On Radio Show That Is Known For Controversy

1976Year Jimmy Carter begins last 2 wks of primary campaigning on May 26 in NYC and NJ, saying he is confident that his recent losing streak will not deny him Dem Pres nomination

receives endorsements from NYC Mayor Abraham Beame and Essex County (NJ) Dem leader Harry Lerner; comments on future primaries (M) Carter Carries His Campaign Into Jersey

1933Year Funded endowment of annual prize received as memorial to C P Howland ATHENS COLLEGE GETS HOWLAND MEMORIAL

Receives Endowment for Annual Essay Prize as Tribute to Famous Philhellene.

1926Year Capt Gallarza arrives in Barcelona, Spain

receives enthusiastic reception Madrid-Manila Flier Reaches Spain.

1930Year Arrives with wife in Istanbul

receives enthusiastic welcome VENIZELOS HAILED JOYUSLY IN TURKEY; Greek Premier Almost Injured by Istanbul Throng in an Unparalleled Welcome. HE WILL SIGN TRADE PACT Once Bent on Conquering Anatolia, the Athens Statesman Now Is Called by Some Too Pro-Turkish.

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