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1936Year rev of performance and programs THE DANCE: JOOSS BALLET

Second Thoughts on Its Recent Season -- DeBasil Ballet Opening -- News Notes

1937Year The upward impetus given to the bond market by the announcement last week-end of the increase in reserve requirements of member banks of the Federal Reserve System appeared yesterday to have spent itself. UPWARD IMPETUS DIES OUT IN BONDS

Second Thoughts on Meaning of Change in Bank Reserves Seen in Ragged Market GOVERNMENT ISSUES SAG Corporation List Irregular on Stock Exchange-Italian Obligations Strong

1956Year LONDON, Nov. 7--The stock market here welcomed the Egyptian cease-fire and President Eisenhower's re-election with a jump in prices when business opened today. The market reacted later on second thoughts about uncertainties in the Mideast. FLURRY, DIP MARK LONDON TRADING

Second Thoughts on Mideast End Advance, but Most Issues Close on Gains

1922Year PARIS, June 16.--After a presumably bitter struggle with their elaborately celebrated reluctance to leave Paris, the Guitrys--all three-are launch ed on a London season of four weeks. JULY NIGHTS IN THE THEATRES--A NEW REVUE

Second Thoughts on Paris Nights

1938Year A Krock on strength in Ore primary In The Nation

Second Thoughts on Pennsylvania and Oregon Power of the "Middle Middle" Losses and Fractional Gains

1986Year TWENTY-FIVE years ago, nobody shed a tear when wrecking balls razed blocks of decrepit downtown boarding houses that once lodged thousands of migrant farm and railroad workers. On the rubble of those slums rose condominiums, office buildings and shops, the start of a building boom that rolled into the 1970's and 80's. But times have changed: Last year, when the city announced plans to build a larger convention center downtown, a coalition of social-service agencies fought to replace the low-rent apartment buildings that would be torn down. Older buildings long considered eyesores suddenly are being seen as an city asset. Housing preservation groups say the city has systematically eliminated cheap rooms and thereby increased homelessness. FOCUS: Minneapolis

Second Thoughts On Razing

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