1967Year Bklyn CORE 'Black Mood' manifesto compares status of Negroes in Amer to that of Jews in Hitler Ger in detailing group's plan to set up 'new world'
holds 'Whitey' plans to exterminate Negro; Carson says manifesto is 1st of 3 to explain plans 'EXILE' EXPLAINED BY BROOKLYN CORE; American Negro Compared to Jew in Nazi Germany
1971Year M Mendez, sr Amer adviser in Quangtri Prov, says pullout of US troops will benefit prov, int
holds 'whole generation of people here has been carried by Amers'; says N Vietnamese could easily take prov but would pay big price and would never be accepted passively because of suffering they have imposed; says prov is more secure than it once was but is not sure why U. S. Aide Says Pullout Will Benefit Vietnamese
1939Year H G Wells forecasts future in book, Fate of Homo Sapiens WELLS SEES IN U.S. HOPE FOR MANKIND
Holds 'World Brain' Necessary to Its Salvation and Links Roosevelt to the Cause PREDICTS RUIN OTHERWISE Calls Chamberlain Ignorant, Hitler 'a Horror,' Mussolini Vain in His New Book
1972Year NYS Appeals Ct rules unconst ‘71 law passed by Legis to exclude accumulated vacation credits in computing retirement benefits for state employes
holds ‘57 decision by Controller upholding practice constituted valid contract between state retirement system and its members Court Voids Restriction On State Pension Payments
1970Year ed lauds US proposal for peace‐keeping force as imaginative contribution towards settlement
holds ‘67 war erupted because UN force controlled by small neutral nations vanished, on Thant's instructions, when 1st UAR fire erupted; holds argument that reconstituted UN force would revolve around control by Security Council, which some contend would give US and USSR veto over withdrawal of force in emergency, is more theoretical than real if troops of other countries are under UN orders to resist superior force, notes presence of US and Soviet troops in UN force would block Security Council veto, holds if Israel is to withdraw from UAR territory as part of settlement, it needs reliable assurances that demilitarized border areas cannot be reoccupied at will by UAR troops; cites Sharm el Sheik as critical area; holds if US participation in UN force at Sharm el Sheik encourages Israeli withdrawal, settlement between UAR and Israel will be greatly aided because Israel has no other territorial claims against UAR that it would hesitate to negotiate away in return for peace, contends objection to introduction of Soviet troops into area is no longer valid and that with current presence of troops in UAR, addition of US troops would only provide element of balance; holds preliminary reaction to proposal is not ultimate reaction of either UAR or Israel, views presence of small symbolic units of US and Soviet troops operating within UN peace force more reassuring than verbal assurances and even type of security guarantee proposed by Fulbright Soviet‐American Policemen
1974Year Chris Parks article, excerpted from Univ of Mich student newspaper, sees present coll generation divided and lost in endless morass
holds ‘70 freshmen came to coll united in common ideology and opposition to Vietnam war; notes disappearance of pol activism; sees Univ of Mich students’ meek acceptance of 24% tuition hike as symbolic of current attitudes; drawing (M) Divided We Stand