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1973Year One of my favorite politico&#8208

literary publications is The New York Review of Books. As I work my way steadily through its erudite reviews of last year's books my pulse begins to quicken, for I am approaching my favorite section in the Review—I mean the classified ads, of course, and especially the Personals. These are not your ordinary personals, but rather cris de coeur written by intelligent, sensitive, articulate people who set as high standards for companionship as the reviewers do for books. Typical is the lady who writes: “Life‐Involved Woman, 50, seeks vital man enjoying middle years—responsive, self‐aware, a bit adventurous, of rustic bent and resourceful mind, receptive to some sharing and broadening of interests.” Occaionally they get a little risque: “Curious About Threesomes? Virile, versatile WASP writer, gently initiates DC‐MD‐Va couples. Intelligent, personable, discreet.” Late the other evening I polished off an issue of T.N.Y.R.B. before going to sleep; my mind was whirling with literary allusions and intelligent, personable, discreet threesomes. The result of this late‐night literary Bumstead sandwich was the following dream.... Strictly Classified

1940Year Last ed discussed THE COLOPHON OUT FOR THE 'LAST' TIME

Literary Quarterly Says 'Au Revoir,' but Editors Hope It Will Be Revived MAKES A NOTABLE EXIT An Article by Dr. Thompson Describes His Discovery of a Longfellow Poem

1940Year BOSTON, July 27--A studentsponsored experiment which aims at encouraging good writing by undergraduates through providing a medium for the publication and circulation of outstanding papers ... Course Papers to Be Printed To Aid English at Simmons

Literary Quarterly to Include Undergraduate Work to Encourage Better Writing

1961Year Comment on current scene Dramas Stir Prague

Literary Questioning of System Stirs More Interest Than Soviet Party Rally

1920Year American historical nuggets and rarities in English literature and other languages, from the library of a New York collector whose name is withheld, were sold at the Anderson Galleries yesterday. EARLY AMERICANA BRINGS $53,804.50

Literary Rarities in English and Other Languages Raise Sale's Total to $75,459. $6,750 FOR ONE VOLUME Three-Page Work on Discovery of America, Printed in Rome in 1493, Bought for $3,600.

1958Year Turgenev, I: Literary Reminiscences and Autobiographical Fragments Experience of a Master

LITERARY REMINISCENCES AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL FRAGMENTS. By Ivan Turgenev. Translated from the Russian with an Introduction by David Magarshack. Preface by Edmund Wilson. 309 pp. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy. $5. A Master

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