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1930Year small hole cake called best for "dunking"

lr DOUGHNUT HOLES ENGAGE EXPERTS; Small-Hole Cake Is by Far the Best for Dunking, One Declares

1932Year V Baier served as organist, 1872-1921

lr Dr. Baier at Old Trinity.

1925Year O S Poland, counsel for Anti-Saloon League of N Y, makes public lr assailing Dr N M Butler's commencement add at Columbia Univ

lr DR. BUTLER TO SAIL ON A PEACE MISSION; Starts for Europe Saturday to Reshape the Work of the Carnegie Endowment. ASSAILED BY DRY LEADER Orville S. Poland Calls Educator's Attack on Prohibition "Anarchistic Demagogery."

1932Year objects to reporter's use of word "effete"

lr Dr. Durant Excepts.

1932Year he corrects rept of sermon

lr Dr. Merrill's Sermon.

1932Year Called too high

lr DR. NORWOOD GRAVELY ILL.; Transfusion Given to Check Clergy- man's Hemorrhage.

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