1949Year 7 sentenced for using marijuana, San Juan, PR 5 YEARS FOR USING 'WEED'
Judge in Puerto Rico Sends 7 to Prison, Serves Warning
1931Year Ct orders distribution of $612,736 to members ORDERS TOBACCO MEN PAID.
Judge in Raleigh Rules $612,736 Is to Go to 35,000 Growers.
1939Year SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Nov. 27 (AP)--Eighteen of twenty-six counts in one of five indictments against Mayor Maury Maverick and three others charging illegal payment of a poll tax were quashed tonight. He will be tried on the other eight. MAVERICK CLEARED ON 18 VOTE CHARGES
Judge in San Antonio Quashes Poll-Tax Accusations, Backing Mayor's StandEIGHT COUNTS TO BE TRIEDJury Hearing Is Expected toBegin Today--Issue of Law'sConstitutionality Is Raised
2002Year Victims of Chilean military's 17-year dictatorship press legal actions in both Chilean and American courts against Henry A Kissinger and other Nixon administration officials who supported plots to overthrow Salvador Allende Gossens, Socialist president, in early 1970's
judge in Santiago asks Kissinger and former American Amb Nathaniel Davis to respond to questions about killing of Charles Horman, American journalist, after deadly military coup that brought Gen Augusto Pinochet to power in 1973; Pinochet has been deemend mentally incompetent to stand trial; relatives of Gen Rene Schneider, commander of Chilean Armed Forces when he was assasssinated in 1970, file $3 million civil suit against Kissinger, former CIA director Richard M Helms and other Nixon-era officials involved in plotting miiltary coup to keep Allende from power, according to declassified US documents; Kissinger's position is that he was acting as secretary of state at time and that Department of State, not he, should respond to issues that have been raised (M) As Door Opens for Legal Actions in Chilean Coup, Kissinger Is Numbered Among the Hunted
Judge in Scottsfaoro Case Grants Right to Inspect Roll for Racial Bar. COURT CLASH ON MOVE County Official and Prosecutor Resent Challenge as to Knowledge of 'Color Line.' NEGROES TESTIFY IN ISSUE Point Raised Over Jury System in South Brings Request for Briefs to Aid Virginia Trial.
1927Year W Conklin sentenced on charge of forging his name FORGER GETS LIFE TERM.
Judge in Sentencing Him Calls Baumes Laws Salutary.