1970Year Easter Island residents reactions to US stations pullout mixed
probable econ and soc consequences noted; map; illus Closing of U. S. Base Stirs Easter Island
1941Year ceilings imposition on various consumer goods lines feared
probable effects cited FEAR CEILINGS DUE IN NUMEROUS LINES; Markets Lift Margins on Many Commodities to Meet OPACS' Wish or at Own Volition
1947Year Agr Dept to curb surplus by resale below support prices
probable effects discussed; plan aims at growers failing to comply with acreage curbs; Govt notes rules for eligibility for price support ACTION SET TO BAR POTATO SURPLUSES; Agriculture Agency May Sell Product to Consumers at Less Than Support Prices
1946Year econ conditions for tourists discussed
probable effects of tourist trade resumption noted AUSTRIA LOOKS AHEAD TO 1947
1955Year conditions surveyed
probable effects of treaty discussed LABOR MERGER LIKELY TO SPUR ORGANIZING; Chemical and Office Workers Are Possible Targets in New Drive
Probable Effects on the London Money Market.