1932Year Develops sonic locater for protection of ships in fog Device Times Whistle's Echo From Obstacles
Perfected for Protection of Ships in Fog
1945Year Repts new skin cleanser development NEW SKIN CLEANSER FIGHTS DERMATITIS
Perfected for the Treatment of Cases Attributable to the Use of Soap
1931Year Rockne, K, and football ROCKNE A PIONEER ON FOOTBALL FIELD
Perfected Forward Pass and Shift Play and Taught Scoring From Any Position.HAD FIVE UNBEATEN TEAMSMade Them Work Closely Together on Simple Lines andFrowned on Tricks. DEVELOPED MANY COACHES A Keen Student of Psychology, HeKnew When to Keep His SharpTongue In Leash. Changed Strategy of Touchdown. Suddenly Developed the Pass. Remarkable Record as Coach. Developed Famous Players. Provided Coaches for Nation. Used the Delayed Criticism.
1991Year Irving Rossi, a financier and metallurgical engineer who perfected continuous casting machines for steel, died Friday at his home in Harding Township, N.J. He was 101 years old. He died of heart failure, a funeral home representative said. Irving Rossi, 101
Perfected Machines For Casting of Steel
1965Year Bol, Cornelis CORNELIS BOL, 80, INVENTOR OF LAMP
Perfected Mercury Vapor Light While at Stanford
1955Year Furber, Percy N Percy Furber, Trans.Lux Founder, Dies
Perfected Projector for Stock Quotations