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1972Year NYS Ins Dept repts on July 16 on auto liability ins rates charged by 15 leading cos for 2 types of drivers

shows rates for same type of driver vary as much as 50% in same communities; breakdown by locality Report Shows Wide Differences Among Auto‐Insurance Rates

1975Year Latest Gallup poll shows Ronald Reagan leading Pres Ford among both Repubs and independents in striking reversal of positions within last month

shows Reagan ahead with Repubs 40%-32%, and with independents 27%-25%; Ford campaign chmn Howard H Callaway discounts import of poll; recent developments that have hurt Ford campaign recalled; votes for 8 other possible Repub Pres aspirants detailed; total for 3 sharply defined conservatives on list, Reagan and Sens Barry Goldwater and James Buckley, reaches 51%, suggesting dominant position of party's right wing (M) REAGAN TOPS FORD AS GALLUP FINDS A SHARP REVERSAL

1976Year AP survey shows Pres Ford's delegates to Repub Natl Conv are better educated and earn more than delegates backing Ronald Reagan

shows Reagan is more frequent choice of self-employed persons in business and doctors who are delegates; finds Ford and Reagan each get 31% of their delegate support from women; survey's findings detailed (M) SURVEY CLASSIFIES G.O.P. DELEGATES

1958Year museum reopens

shows recent acquisitions Art: Reopening on 53d St.; The Modern Museum, Refurbished After Fire, Offers Three Exhibitions

1944Year rept of revenue and expenditure, Jan 1-Dec 31, '43

shows record deficit ARGENTINA SHOWS A RECORD DEFICIT; Costs, at New High, Only Slightly Offset by Revenue Rise -- Public Debt Soaring

1927Year Quarterly rept LUMBER MUTUAL REPORTS.

Shows Record Net Profit Percentage for Quarter and 9 Months.

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