1990Year LEAD: The campaign laws are a disgrace and embarrassment
incumbents are favored unfairly by the state election law; the laws governing access to the primary ballot are completely at odds with the democratic principle of open elections; judges are elected in a manner that weakens the independence of the judiciary; personnel practices are tainted with politics. New York's Enduring Ethics Scandal
1954Year HARTFORD, Conn., July 1 -- Connecticut Republicans nominated today candidates for the House of Representatives from the state's five Congressional Districts. CONNECTICUT G.O.P. PICKS HOUSE SLATE
Incumbents Are Nominated in 4 of 5 Districts -- 6th to Be Named in Week
1938Year Cornwall and Otisville are the only two villages in Orange County where contests have developed for election to village offices on Tuesday. In the eleven other villages no petitions have been filed by opposing candidates but a write-in campaign is always held in several. ONLY 2 CONTESTS IN ORANGE POLLING
Incumbents Are Unopposed in 11 Villages, but New Names May'Be Written In OTISVILLE PARTY ACTIVE Consolidation of Gains Last Year Sought by Democrats in Control of Board List of Candidates
1973Year opposing slates for Feb 24 election of pres of Harlem (NYC) NAACP chapter discussed
incumbents C Lawrence and Mrs Carrington, candidates heading slates, deny that contest is motivated by pol of community rather than of orgn; Manhattan Borough Pres P E Sutton is 1 of exec com candidates on Lawrence's slate; issues in contest discussed; other candidates listed TWO SLATES VIE IN N.A.A.C.P. VOTE
1990Year LEAD: Representative John P. Murtha is one of the most influential power brokers in Congress, but in a Democratic primary two weeks ago the voters of his Pennsylvania district nearly turned him out of office. Political Memo
Incumbents Fear That Incumbency May Become a Campaign Liability
1972Year Rockland County village elections held
incumbents generally re‐elected; exceptions noted 4 Suburban Counties Go to the Polls