1970Year Communist party econ wkly newspaper Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta charges traffic deaths and injuries have reached 'dreadful' level
repts 16,000 killed and 66,000 hurt, '69, in Russian Repub, largest state with population of 128-million; blames low speed limits, inadequate rd and st signs, violations by drivers and pedestrians; proposes production of safety belts and creation of research center to study problems; Sovetskaya Rossiya newspaper says 40.3% of drivers and 31.4% of pedestrians involved in accidents in Russian Repub, '68, were under influence of alcohol RUSSIA DISCLOSES AUTO DEATH RATE
1954Year UN Relief Agency dir Labouisse submits annual rept to UN Assembly
repts 16,000 more refugees added to relief rolls, 8,000 rehabilitated; repts 887,000 being fed by Agency camps; charges refugees and Arab Govts resist Agency's self-help programs; repts contributions lag; Lebanese and Saudi Arabian reprs in Assembly soc com object to Labouisse proposal that care of refugees be made duty of country in which refugees now reside ARAB D.P. PROBLEM FOUND ACUTE STILL; U.N. Told Rolls Continue Rise and Relief Unit Encounters Resistance and Apathy
1962Year Agr Dept final estimate puts '61 output at 14,318,000 bales, slightly above '60
repts 16,588,000 acres planted, yielded 438 lbs per acre; other data COTTON PRODUCTION ROSE SLIGHTLY IN '61
1978Year NY Conv and Visitors Bur predicts record '78 tourist yr for city
repts 16,750,000 people visited in '77 and spent $1.6-billion (S) New York Sees Record Tourism
1948Year Commerce Dept repts 17% rise, Nov
repts 16% rise, Sept-Nov CASH DIVIDENDS UP 17% OVER YEAR AGO; Corporations Report a Total of $206,600,000 Paid Out During November
1957Year Mianus River Gorge Conservation Com dedicates 1 acre of land to Mrs A Anable for aid
repts 161 acreas assembled ACRE OF LAND DEDICATED; Area Is Added to Undeveloped Ground by Conservationists