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1970Year oil spill from ruptured tanks of ferryboat that ran aground on West Kinahan Island threatens to pollute Prince Rupert, Brit Columbia, harbors

illus; port officials concerned that incoming tide could sweep heavy 3-mi long oil slick into harbor Ferry Runs Aground on. Canadian Island Spilling Oil

1969Year Containership (Dart Containerline) unloads 1st shipment at port from Eur

illus; port officials negotiate for other container line runs Halifax Takes First Step Toward Becoming Big Container Port

1962Year Article marking 100th birth anniv compares NYC as Porter knew it and as it is today

illus; Porter por O. Henry's New Yorkers-- And Today's; He wrenched his people out of context and sentimentalized their lives, but they were real and 1962's would not be strangers to him. O'Henry's New Yorkers

1978Year Memorabilia from historic Rice Hotel, Houston, sold at gala private auction

illus; Portfolio Mgt of Texas plans $10-million renovation of downtown hotel into apt-hotel complex (M) A Slice of Houston History Goes On the Block at the Rice Hotel

1979Year article on Government of Pres Jose Lopez Portillo at midterm

illus; Portillo portrait (M) Mexico's President at Midterm: Oil on Troubled Waters

1958Year Capt N C Reed to sail restored 40-yr-old Chinese junk from NY to Fla via inland waterways

illus; ports of call listed Restored 40-Year-Old Junk Sails for Florida; Trained Corinthian Is Skipper of Mon Lei

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