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1935Year Data from repts on holdings of officers, directors and principal stockholders required under Securities Exch Act U.S. STEEL GUARDS DATA ON SALARIES

Sends Details Confidentially to SEC Head With Request They Be Kept Secret.

1925Year Sends details of hold-ups he witnessed to Chicago Post, asks that the $100 be given to Ill Fundamentalist League STRATON THINKS $100 HIS.

Sends Details of Crimes He Saw to Chicago Paper.

1951Year 14 policemen return financial questionnaires to jury MAYOR OF GARFIELD SHAKES UP POLICE

Sends Detective Bureau Back to Uniform and Demands Clean-Up of Gambling Found No Signs of Gambling 14 Policemen Return Forms

1931Year Detective sent to Crown Point, N Y to investigate charges in lr saying Crater was killed by fall MULROONEY SIFTS UP-STATE CRATER 'TIP'

Sends Detective to Crown Point on Report Missing Judge Was Killed There by Fall.

1935Year D Evans sets new record for Diesel-motored autos, Daytona Beach EVANS DRIVES AUTO TO A NEW RECORD

Sends Diesel Motored Machine 125.065 Miles an Hour in Daytona Beach Trial.

1946Year NY City Council favors ending tax exemption of non-sectarian insts practicing discrimination

sends DiFalco-DiGiovanna resolutions to Gov Dewey and Legis leaders COUNCIL WOULD TAX GROUPS FOR BIAS; Favors End of Exemption for Offending Institutions of Non-Sectarian Nature Wants Bonus to Remain Quill Seconds the Motion

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