1956Year comment on irony of unity spur arising from irritation with US FRICTION WITH THE U.S. SPURS EUROPEAN UNITY
1996Year A SHORE mayor talking about something that sounds even remotely inclusive? Oh my God!" That, says Ken Pringle, the Mayor of Belmar, is the reaction he has been getting to his recent proposal that Jersey Shore municipalities, many of which do everything they can to keep outsiders from setting foot on their sand, join in a plan to issue reciprocal beach passes, good for any participating town. JERSEY
One for All, All for One, on the Beach
1972Year THE New York Universi. ty School of Continuing Education, 2 University Place, New York, N. Y. 10003, is offering a number of photographic courses this summer, including two basic courses—
one for beginners with no previous knowledge, and one on color photography for those with some experience. The beginners course will meet in two sections on Tuesday evenings starting this week — one section meeting from 6:10 to 8, the other from 8:10 to 10. The color course will meet on Thursday evenings from 6:10 to 8, starting this week. The courses will end the latter part of July and each will cost $35. The instructor for each will be Casey Allen. For more information call (212) 598‐3991. Photography
1935Year Two awards -- one for the best performance on the Broadway stage this season and the other to the member of the Drama League of New York attending the most shows -- will be made by the league at its annual meeting and luncheon on May 17 at the Casino in Central Park. TWO AWARDS MAY 17 BY DRAMA LEAGUE
One for Best Performance on Broadway Stage -- Other for Attendance at Shows.
One for Broadway Saranac Relief Fund, Other for Wounded Soldiers.
1921Year PARIS, March 25.--The regime which the French Government today announced for the former German colony of the Cameroons, which France holds under a Class B mandate, stipulates that there shall be commercial equality as provided by "Article XXII, of the Treaty of June 28, 1919," that is under the covenant of the League of Nations. FRENCH MANDATES DIFFER ON TRADE
One for Cameroons Promises Commercial Equality--No Mention in Togoland Draft. LEAGUE MAY REVISE THEM Text of the Administrative Plan as Adopted by the French Government.